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Month: August 2022

Volunteers Needed to Record Audio

As part of my CreateSpace Public Art Residency, I am inviting people to observe the voices in their heads and pivot any fear-based thoughts into more empowering thoughts.

During the BC Culture Days weekend (September 24-25, 2022), I will play audio recordings of a collection of people’s worries and fears as part of my interactive art installation.

My idea is to magnify what goes on in our mind and invite people to become more aware of the voices in our head.

I am looking for volunteers to record audios of their fears and/or worries. The audio recordings will be anonymous and mixed with other people’s recordings.

Examples of Jeni’s mind chatters (I’ve recorded myself saying this list on my phone):

  • I don’t know how.
  • I have to do something but I don’t want to.
  • I need to finish this right now.
  • I hate losing money.
  • The mess pisses me off.
  • I regret my decision.
  • I should’ve known better.

Here are some of the ways you can help:

  • Arrange a meeting with Jeni to record the audio
  • Record the audio on your phone and upload the files here
  • Write down your worries/fears on this form and we will read/record it for you

To read more about this project, check out the table of content here.

To experience this interactive art installation on September 24-25, 2022, check out the event information on the Richmond Art Gallery website or the BC Culture Days website.

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CreateSpace – The Booklet

I am making a booklet to go with my CreateSpace public art installation. It’s a way for me to explain the purpose of the project. Since there will be lots of kids during the BC Culture Days weekend when my installation will be up, I made the booklet with kids in mind. I am trying to make it easy to read with lots of illustrations.

You can download the entire booklet here (Chinese version here下載中文版) or read it here:

Download the booklet here

Download the booklet in Chinese here 這裡下載中文版

As I was drawing and working on this book, I found a video on Youtube (I like to listen to or watch something when I am drawing).

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations – Panache Desai: Discovering Your Soul Signature

As I was listening to Oprah’s conversation with Panache Desai, I thought this is exactly what my project is about. I found Desai’s book in our library and borrowed it immediately. Once again, Oprah has introduced me to another must-read author.

One of the big takeaways is the practice of non-judgment. I first learned about this concept of non-judgment from Deepak Chopra. I tried it on my mother-in-law and miraculously turned our hostile relationship into a harmonious one. I am a believer of this kind of teaching ever since. In Desai’s book, he talks about acceptance of ourselves without judgment. Can you imagine if we have a hostile relationship with ourselves? No wonder people are suffering mentally and emotionally.

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